Our Victim Advocates serve as your connection to prosecutors, law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies, and help to ensure that you have a voice in the criminal justice process. Your Victim Advocate will link you with local resources, provide you with case updates, and support you during court hearings and testimony.
The Victim Services Unit helps victims from all walks of life and experiences, regardless of age, background and/or immigration status. Walk-ins are welcome and all services are free. Your Victim Advocate can assist you even if a suspect is not identified or if criminal charges have not been filed.
The California Victim Compensation Program (Cal VCP) can assist you and your family with out-of-pocket costs related to the crime, such as medical and counseling bills. To do that, Victim Advocates can help you fill out the proper forms.
You are entitled to certain, constitutional rights in the criminal justice process, which are described in the California Crime Victim’s Bill of Rights, also known as Marsy’s Law. Your Victim Advocate can help you to enforce these rights in court.
Learn how crime victims can get support during court hearings