This includes physical abuse, endangerment and neglect that occurs in nursing homes, schools, and hospitals. Felony Elder and Dependent Adult cases are vertically prosecuted which means that they are handled from start to finish by the same attorney who specializes in elder and dependent adult, physical abuse, endangerment and neglect prosecutions.
The County of Santa Clara District Attorney's Office with the cooperation of law enforcement and numerous government agencies has implemented protocols that commits the signatory agencies to:
- Conduct prompt and thorough investigations of elder and dependent adult, physical abuse, endangerment and neglect cases;
- Reduce trauma to victimized, elder and dependent adults;
- Cooperate effectively to investigate, prosecute and prevent elder and dependent adult, physical abuse, endangerment and neglect within the County of Santa Clara; and
- Train employees on recognition and investigation of elder and dependent adult, physical abuse, endangerment and neglect.