Our examiners evaluate and analyze evidence, interpret results, provide expert testimony related to the full spectrum of physical evidence recovered from crime scenes, and offer technical assistance and training to all user agencies. Accredited services are provided in the major analytical forensic disciplines of:
- Controlled substance analysis;
- Firearms examinations;
- Forensic biology (DNA);
- Forensic toxicology (including breath alcohol calibration);
- Latent print processing;
- Trace evidence;
- Digital and multi-media evidence (computer forensics, cell phones, audio and video analysis);
- Bloodstain pattern analysis;
- Footwear/tire impression evidence;
- Fire debris and explosives analysis;
- Crime scene analysis and reconstruction.
The laboratory employs over 60 criminalists, plus support staff, and analyzes thousands of evidence items each year. It is accredited to international standard ISO/IEC 17025 in both Forensic Testing and Calibration by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board (ANAB).
Monthly Crime Laboratory "virtual tours"
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