Biography of District Attorney George Kennedy

District Attorney George Kennedy was elected in June 1990 and took office in December 1990. He was reelected in 1994, 1998 and 2002. During his 34-and-a-half years in the District Attorney's Office, George Kennedy held most positions in the office. He conducted jury trials in numerous misdemeanor and major felony cases. He handled many murder prosecutions.
In addition to his courtroom experience, George Kennedy held various management positions in the District Attorney's Office including supervisor of the Misdemeanor Division and the Felony Trial Division. He also served as Assistant District Attorney and Chief Assistant District Attorney.
George Kennedy is a graduate of the University of Southern California School of Law. His undergraduate degree is in Government from Claremont McKenna College. He also attended the National College of District Attorneys and the F.B.I. National Law Academy. He is a former president of the California District Attorneys Association and former chair of its Legislation Committee. He chaired that association's Appellate Committee. He is also a former director of the National District Attorneys Association.
From 1993-1996, he was a member of California's Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, and he is a former chairperson of the Santa Clara County Domestic Violence Council.
District Attorney George Kennedy retired from the County of Santa Clara District Attorney's Office January 7, 2007.